Year in Review 2022/2023


In Neoidentity’s eighteen months of existence, I have produced something close to 100 stories. This fact is absolutely mindblowing to me: how on earth did I manage it? But is it quantity over quality? I do think that my stories have been quite varied in quality. Some are amazing, and some are not good at all. Some are too long. Some are too short. Others are just plan boring. With this in mind, I’ve decided it’s a good idea to produce a yearly review to look back at what I made and maybe point out some good stories that you haven’t read yet.

Who are you?

I am a mutt of the English-speaking world. One of my parents is Irish, and the other is Australian. I was born in Canada but grew up between Ireland and England. To add to this confusion, my family name is Dutch. I think this strange upbringing led to me being interested in identity.

It wasn’t until I met her that I grew interested in race change. She was an Indonesian woman who took great pleasure in making me like her. It was fun, it was strange. It was sadly killed off by COVID-19. I currently live in Hong Kong but would love to move back to Indonesia. It’s not been easy because I want a permanent arrangement rather than the shakey one I had last time.

Neoidentity’s biography

I originally made Neoidentity a website where multiple writers could submit their content. And it was for this reason that, initially, I had kept the Betamax17 name. Doing this created the illusion that the website already had multiple writers when it did not. It was just me. Yes, this was me being a dishonest cheat!

Ultimately, I realized this wasn’t going to work. Firstly, because it was obvious that Neoidentity and Betamax17 were the same, their content was nearly identical. Secondly, no one would trust this random newcomer to manage a website hosting their content, let alone manage revenue sharing and other complicated things.

I would love to one day make a website where erotic race change literature from multiple authors submit content (and get paid a little, too). But it would be under a new name.


As I didn’t do this review last year and my presence only started in the middle of 2022 anyway, this review will be for both 2022 and 2023. Future ones will be just for a single year.

Neoidentity’s biggest blunder of 2022/2023

After hitting the ground running in May of 2022, I killed it all after only two months. I deleted my Patreon (which was on the rocks anyway due to breaking content rules), deleted my original website, and gave up writing. I did it because I had committed to doing too much content for my original Patreon account, which was killing me.

I came back, but killing that early momentum hurt me badly. I believe the DeviantArt algorithm is still punishing me sometimes.

My pick for Neoidentity’s best Long Read of 2022/2023

My pick of Long Read for 2022/2023 is Thai’d Down in Whore Down. It’s a story that was an exclusive on my original Patreon account and is still not well viewed across both my website and on my DeviantArt.

Like many of my earliest stories, the writing is a little rough around the edges. However, the pacing, the transformation, the aftermath and the general themes (Whores, Thai) are excellent, in my opinion. The themes in this story are a little extreme, so consider yourself warned.

Read it here!

Runner up: The Cleansing Ritual for its transformation

This story is too long, but the upside is that transformation is one of my favorites. The idea was that if you closed your eyes and had someone read it to you, you could almost feel what was happening. Check out the What’s Next section below for more info about this.

Read it here!

Runner up: Now Steaming in Thailand for its creative use of photos

It took a long time to edit the photos and write a story that accommodated them well. The length of time required prevented me from repeating this style of writing.

Read it here!

My pick for Neoidentity’s worst Long Read of 2022/2023

My pick for my worst Long Read is Shinkansen Shift. If I told you I fed all my Long Reads into an AI, asked it to write another, and then told you what it outputted was Shinkansen Shift, would you be surprised? This story is boring, and I shouldn’t have published it at all. It has nothing interesting going for it.

Read it here!

Runner up: The Voice for being incoherent

The plot of this story was an idea I had floating around my head for a long time, and I was desperate to get it onto the page. But I should have planned it out more, as it doesn’t make much sense and flows poorly.

Read it here!

Runner up: The Gadis Desa Spring 03 for being too long

This is one of those stories which could be trimmed down to a Vignette and would benefit massively from it. The fact that it was initially a short caption by Betamax17 says a lot! This series generally hasn’t had much success in terms of readers. I guess it interests me but not my readers!

Read it here!

My pick for Neoidentity’s best Caption of 2022/2023

My pick for the best caption I made in 2022 and 2023 is Talisman. I love this caption as I think it effectively tells the story in so few words. You get the back story, sense of urgency, and transformation in just 200 words.

Read it here!

Runner up: Teashop for its concept

As someone who has been addicted to milk tea in China, I can tell you that I would struggle to resist drinking it even if I knew it was transforming me into a Chinese girl!

Read it here!

Runner up: Grammar for being another great use of the format

Although longer than Talisman, this is another excellent example of using a shorter format to tell a great story. I think you get an excellent feeling for the character’s struggle in a minimal amount of words.

Read it here!

My pick for the Neoidentity’s worst Caption of 2022/2023

My pick for the worst caption of 2023/2023 is Bridge. It being an idea that simply did not work. There was no real transformation or twist or… anything. It is just dull. Can you believe I planned to make a series from this one? Madness.

Read it here!

Runner up: Coffee for also being dull

Really, sometimes I have an idea, but I don’t consider how to make it entertaining or relevant to the genre. I would like actually to have another stab at this one sometime.

Read it here!

Runner up: Statue for using an inappropriate picture

The statue is a memorial for the mistreatment of Korean women during the Second World War, and I used it for a race change caption. I was going to change the photo, but then I forgot. Hopefully, writing this reminds me or… I suppose I could delete the story if not.

Read it here!

Neoidentity’s story picks from the community for 2022/2023

There are loads of exciting stories written by our community every year. Below are just a few that grabbed me.

Pick One: Lancuandluliana’s tattoo stories

Tattoo on, Jingfei out and Tung-Mei Tattood Too. I love his stuff in general, and I think it is great to read from someone who has obviously lived in China before. For these two stories, the energy of the narrative, the fun of transformation and the characterization of the Chinese sluts these men are cursed to become drives me wild. If you haven’t read these stories, then please do! Then, read the rest of Lancuandluliana’s stuff.

Pick Two: SD-Generation’s Big Booty Latina TG

Big Booty Latina TG may not be the most creative title, but it does what it says on the tin! His combination of AI audio and photo manipulation is excellent. He is one to watch, as this could go from something already good to something truly extraordinary. I sure hope so!

Pick Three: L2BOBI’s Indian Girlfriend TG series

Indian Girlfriend combines various CG artworks with a written story to accompany each. 3D modelling software has been a big part of TG content forever, and I am always happy to see it more in the race change genre. Go check it out!

What to expect from Neoidentity in 2024

So, what is coming next for Neoidentity in the coming year?

More of the same

The same kind of stories will be written and released as usual

TikTok and YouTube content

Using AI-generated voices and AI-generated images, I plan to create video content to be posted on TikTok or YouTube. Doing this will take much time, but I hope to have some content made within the next six months.


Similar to the above, I plan to use AI-generated voice to make audiobook versions of my longer stories. Most likely released as compilations.

AI-Writing Detection Guide

I have seen increasing numbers of AI-written stories around DeviantArt. I find this very easy to detect, but I still see many people responding to them as though they are authentic pieces of writing. I plan to write a guide to easily detect this kind of writing, as it’s obvious when you know what to look for!


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